Our Team

Our mission is to work closely with our clients to design financial strategies that provide confidence and clarity while also helping to protect their future. Using customized plans that are created through a true partnership, we empower our clients to weather the inevitable challenges that our complex financial world presents.

Daniel James Turner

Principal Advisor

Current Active Licenses:

  • Life/Annuity (fixed)
  • Mortgage originator (MLO) NMLS#1016716
  • Investment Advisor Representative (IAR)

Dan is a 41 year veteran of the financial services industry. He was a Life, Health, and Annuity Brokerage and General Agency for 32 years, with a series #7 General Securities broker during 16 years and was a consultant to the small/mid-size credit union field for over 15 of those years specializing in advising on issues of internal operations and membership development. The Credit Unions (he helped) grew an average of 5-7x their original asset base; several improved CAMEL ratings from 3-4 to 1 & 2. During a seven-year contract with a United Steel Workers Union Local credit union, Assets grew from $3.5 million to over $25 million. This was done with a combination of membership “Selective Employer Group” (SEG) marketing effort and the merger/acquisition of struggling smaller credit unions.

He ran a successful Life and Health Insurance Brokerage that consistently ranked in the top 5 in annual premium production with several carriers for over a decade. He has personally hired and trained many producers (some of whom) are still in the business today.

After retiring from the Life and Securities business in 2012 he continued his work as a mentor to homeless youth and felons by building an inner-city Christian ministry “The Nehemiah Project”. The stated purpose was to teach them how to do “lime restoration masonry” to provide them a highly desirable skilled trade to sustain themselves. Several of his students are continuing in that field after a decade of practicing. This Apprenticeship program was funded by the actual fruit of the work performed by the students who were paid hourly at 20% above minimum wage.

Dan began working in mortgage lending in 2013 and licensed for this in 2014. He originates reverse mortgages and certain “offset” mortgage programs and “equity sharing” programs to help structure, build, capitalize and protect the retirement and legacy planning efforts of those above age 40. He is presently writing a book for financial planners to convey the many and myriad uses of non-recourse equity programs in retirement debt management. He is presently a Mortgage Loan Originator. Dan is also the Principal Advisor with “Akamai Wealth Management, LLC”, which is an independent Registered Investment Advisor in the state of Hawaii.

Dan has two grown children and is remarried with (the Lovely) Michele. They are active in their Church and live most of the year in Honolulu, HI and on the Big Island. He has an office in the Business/Financial district in downtown Honolulu, HI.

Strategic Alliances


President of Gradient Investments, LLC



Portfolio Manager of Gradient Investments, LLC


Portfolio Manager of Gradient Investments, LLC

This endorsement of Gradient Investments, LLC is provided by an investment advisor who refers clients to Gradient Investments, LLC. A conflict of interest exists because this investment advisor receives a portion of the annual management fee charged by Gradient Investments, LLC, based on the assets under management of this investment advisor’s clients. This endorsement could assist in the investment advisor increasing the assets placed with Gradient Investments, LLC, and therefore their compensation. These investment advisors are not affiliated with or supervised by Gradient Investments, LLC.